Saturday, August 31, 2019

Civil Rights – Naacp

The iris case was not a success because the supreme court agreed with the board, but the second case In 1953, came to the agreement that segregation was wrong on the grounds that separating black students from others that are the same age and Intelligence as them because of their race, â€Å"generates a feeling of Inferiority†¦ That may affect their hearts and minds In a way unlikely ever to be undone,† (Chief Justice Earl Warren). This was a major success for the NAACP although Implementing the new ruling proved to be more difficult because the federal government did not force he state governments to apply them to their cities.This ruling did change some districts but most did not comply. Many schools and school districts were closed because the cities would have rather close them than integrate. Also because of President Eisenhower lack of support, the ruling was never enforced therefore making the ruling pointless. Similar problems occurred with other rulings and acts such as the Civil Rights Act of 1957 which attempted to end voter discrimination, but ended up being a useless law because of the loopholes left by the federal overspent.The only few times where the NAACP changes of the law actually worked such as the case about the arrest of Rosa Parks for refusing to give up her bus seat, and that was only because of the non-violent movement that got the publics attention and more involvement in the issue. The other legal successes for the black community such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which made it so African Americans could vote without being taxed, given impossible tasks, or being intimidated by racists groups; this time not leaving loopholes.This act along with there beneficial acts such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 were mostly due to the many marches, movements, and riots that demanded change and the assassination of JEFF which happened right after he publicly announced that he was for the rights of African Americans by trying to put through the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Because this was one of the last things that JEFF was remembered for, LB had to live up the citizen's expectations for him to do the same as JEFF so that he would not have died In vain.In addition, the groups AIM and CLC participated in the Civil Rights Movements. In the event of Birmingham In 1963 lead by CLC was a major focus for the call rights activists. This event resulted In church bombings as the group CLC and other protesters marched for their rights and this movement later turned Into massive violence from the white society. As a continuation of Birmingham, James Bevel gave Dry. King the Idea to use children for marches arrested, and Jailed and more chaos prevailed.In (Source E) It displays a photograph from the event of the Birmingham Marches during the time period of 1963. It shows he violence and a African American male was being attacked by the local police with police dogs. This eve nt was somewhat successful at the end because stores were desegregated and some other public places. In the event of the Meredith March in 1966, Its main purpose was to protest against racism and other civil rights activists, including Dry. King and his group AIM, CLC, along with SYNC continued this march to protest for their civil rights in 1966.The start of this march was from James Meredith attending the University of Mississippi and was rejected his acceptance from the allege because of his race which was African American and James Meredith filed a complaint to the Court systems and the court ruled that the University of Mississippi was managing a policy of segregation. In the duration of this Many race riots broke out in the result of this setting. There was not only violence against the African Americans but there was violence against the U.S Marshals who were helping the African Americans. Referring back to the James Meredith march â€Å"March against Fear† the African Americans faced violence as well as when they were registering to vote. In he March James Meredith was shot and the Civil Rights activists Dry. King and Carmichael decided to finish the march on Meredith behalf. Therefore, this event was somewhat successful because it allowed the U. S to pay attention to the African Americans although it was not particularly in the way that King and other civil rights activists wanted to.The civil rights organizations the CORE and SYNC both proved to be vitally important during the civil rights movement. They often times worked in conjunction in order to work toward racial equality. Their first major movement was he Sit Ins in 1960 where college students refused to leave diners until served. The next thing was the Freedom Rides in 1961 in which black students tried to ride across in order to test the laws banning racial segregation on international buses.This effort was a failure in that there was extreme violence against the riders. â€Å"The rac ist mob had attacked with iron bars, and even bombs. Passengers escaped right before the bus burst into flames and it wasn't until policemen shot into the air that the mob dispersed† (Source A). After the Freedom Rides SYNC turned its attention to the Albany movement (1962) in which students tried to desegregate the entire public sector of the city. It failed because the police never got violent, and after CLC Joined they didn't allow King to stay in Jail.Malcolm X an influential leader of black Muslims used these types of instances to Justify the idea that â€Å"There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution and that the revolution is based on concepts of property, independence, freedom, Justice and equality' (Source D). In 1994 SYNC attempted a new movement called Freedom Summer in which northern white students attempted o get blacks to register to vote. The southern states viewed it as â€Å"a planned invasion in which Northern students are causing problems under the pr etext of bringing Freedom† (Source B).The huge difference between the northern mentality of equality to all verses the southern mentality of white and better than blacks and stay out of our business led to a horrifically violent summer. The very next year SYNC went to Selma, Alabama in order to register voters, but the police had a violent response. During a speech at Howard Lyndon Johnson said â€Å"The words â€Å"Give me overcome discrimination I will sent to Congress a law designed to eliminate illegal barriers. (Source F).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Nicholas I

Tsar (Czar) was one of the many autocratic leaders that ruled Russia. He was part of an autocratic monarch. Which had officially made him a sole ruler and a sort of king. He would persuade people by saying to them that he had a Divine Right we meant that God made him the ruler. Uneducated people often believed that if they were poor or wealthy it was God that had chosen their lives. In 1825 Nicholas I had a revolt with a group of revolutionaries called the Dismembers, they were the people that wanted a constitution, which then meant that he Tsar had to obey rules.The Tsar being an autocrat hated this idea, he then revolted and crushed that revolt. The Tsar was proclaimed the â€Å"Gendarme of Europe†. The only theory that Nicholas had of a government was Nationality, Autocracy, and orthodoxy [religion]. Any discussion and belief on politics against Nicholas was banned, but some aristocrats met In secret to discuss about politics and If they were discovered they were either han ged or sent to Siberia. During all of that In 1848 Western Europe the industrial revolution had started, this had brought technology, and new weapons.In 1854 Nicholas I believed that Russia was one of the greatest countries in Europe, he then decided to invade Turkey since they were connected to the black sea and so they had an interesting port for trading. Also the Turkish Empire was in a decrease in power so it would be easy to win. The other countries such as France and Britain did not co-operate very well for this idea so they fought on the Turkish side. Knowing that France and Britain ere in there industrial revolution they had better warfare. At the end of the Crimean War Russia had lost. In 1855 Nicholas I died of Pneumonia.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Summary of President Lyndon

Lyndon B. Johnson attempted to persuade his listeners to act in order to guarantee equal voting rights for all Americans by using the phrase â€Å"the American Promise. † He began his peech in a way that suggests his message would surpass the current constraint facing the nation. The current constraint, he felt, was a â€Å"turning point in man's unending search for freedom† and â€Å"equal rights. † It is part of the American Promise, which is to guarantee the freedom and equality of every man in America.Johnson suggested throughout his speech that denying equal rights to African Americans, illustrated by the violence in Selma, AL, signify a threat to the values our nation. To keep African Americans from enjoying the freedom and equality guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution would break our nation's promise, Johnson mentions throughout his speech. In short, the President held the dialect of democratic freedom and equality to h elp guarantee equal voting rights to African Americans.Johnson also argues that the issue confronting the county was of historic significance. He suggested that although the United States kept African Americans from enjoying the benefits of freedom and equality for many years, the nation had not broken its promise†yet; however destiny had crossed the nation's ath at this exact time, for the decision to be made, keep the promise or break it. The president stresses that such a moment came â€Å"rarely in any time. † Therefore, the nation must take hold of the opportunity.His speech helped deflate Southern resistance to equal voting rights by making racial discrimination at voting booth seem fundamentally un-American. By doing this Johnson directly put supporters of segregation on the losing side of an issue of principle. No one could argue persuasively that voter discrimination was in line with American values. Out of this peech President Johnson crafted a compelling Just ification for immediate passage of a strong federal voting rights law.His speech became the framework for public and congressional deliberations. At a time ot urgency and chaos, his speech to congress and to the nation provided focus and clarity on a very important and sensitive issue of that time. President Johnson's speech is remarkable because it made the idea of equal voting rights meaningful and compelling through shared interests, motives, and intentions in order to secure the passage of one of the most important civil rights laws for the country.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Financial management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Financial management - Essay Example The Return on Equity, ROE, measures how much profit a company earned in comparison to the money shareholders have invested. Generally, the higher it is the more promising a company is. Potential investors rely on ROE when deciding whether or not to invest their money in a company. Furthermore, financial institutions use the ROE to assess capability of a company meeting its loan repayment obligations (Bull, p.29). Net profit margin is the ratio of net profits to net sales of a company.   This ratio reflects companys efficiency especially within its industry.   Investors are attracted to stocks of companies with high net profit margin (Moyer, James and William, p.70) It is the ratio of company market share price to Earnings per share and is mostly used as a valuation of investments indicator. P/E reflects the premium paid for a share and thus growth investors look for higher P/E ratios in contrast to value investors. It reflects future earnings growth of a company and consequently implying it has no debt risk to banks. . It is important for investors and financial institutions to note that financial ratios are subject to weakness in accounting methods. In addition, some ratios on their own are meaningless and thus need to be combined with others to draw a conclusive financial decision. Thus, in my opinion financial ratios should be used as indicators and not as complete evidence of company financial position (Beyer,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Career Exploration Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Career Exploration Assignment - Essay Example Having been brought up in a business environment, my father played a gigantic role in helping me determine my career interest. I chose this career path because I believe that I have good communication and negotiation skills. I can also manage my personal records and supervise the work of others with much ease. Additionally, I am empathetic yet firm so I can handle business related challenges with ease. After I travelled to Riyadh, curiosity made me explore one of the colleges there. To my surprise, the courses offered there were in English which I was not familiar with. Upon asking for further guidance, I was advised to study the language because it is very instrumental in the world of business. Globalization has made the world a village and the majority of people communicate in English. Seeing that the language would boost y career, I decided to study it with much encouragement from friends and relatives. The desire to get the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) scholarship also made me work harder because students who get the chance get to study in the United Kingdom where the primary language is English. In part, I still wanted to achieve my childhood dream because I have an uncle who studied Information Technology and his career life is impressive so far. I enquired about his educational background from which I discovered that he studied at the Rochester Institute of Technology under a scholarship as well. I decided to apply for the same without much thought. Luckily for me, things did not go as desired because I was not offered the scholarship. The rejection opened my eyes and made me become more open to other courses. After much soul searching and consultations with my parents who were very supportive, I chose to study Entrepreneurship. From the information I got from my father and his colleagues, it was apparent that the business sector is one that is very promising. In fact, most of them stated that the positions of business

Are We Doing enough about Domestic Violence Assignment

Are We Doing enough about Domestic Violence - Assignment Example Domestic violence is not just a female problem; in around 1989 a man for the sake of argument lets call him Jake got into a physical altercation with his girlfriend of several years. She raised a knife to Jake's throat and raped him, afterward Jake went to the police precinct and explained to them about what had just happened, the police laughed at him and later on that week Jake was killed by his girlfriend. Domestic violence is a high-risk killer when ignored and acknowledged. People tend to hide abuse both men and woman for different reasons out of love, fear, or even guilt if there are children involved. A person would have to jump through hoops of fire to get proper help for a new life like police reports, pictures, witnesses, etc. and that still might not work until they hurt the person that’s hurting them. Domestic violence is not just a female problem; in around 1989 a man for the sake of argument lets call him Jake got into a physical altercation with his girlfriend o f several years. She raised a knife to Jake's throat and raped him, afterward Jake went to the police precinct and explained to them about what had just happened, the police laughed at him and later on that week Jake was killed by his girlfriend. Domestic violence is a high-risk killer when ignored and acknowledged. People tend to hide abuse both men and woman for different reasons out of love, fear, or even guilt if there are children involved. A person would have to jump through hoops of fire to get proper help for a new life like police reports, pictures, witnesses, etc. and that still might not work until they hurt the person that’s hurting them. On the other hand, you have your fame chasers and custody winners who use domestic violence as an excuse to get what they want. A prime example of this is there was an episode of Law & Order S.V.U. on television where a woman was going through a real serious custody battle with her ex-husband over there fourteen-year-old daughter. The woman was planning on leaving the state they lived in and her ex-husband found out, he showed up to her house in the middle of the night to question her, while there he grabbed her leaving bruises. Afterward, she filed raped charges on the man. Throughout the episode, the man denied raping his ex-wife but because of the bruising on her arms and his admitting being at her house without permission, he was put in jail. When it was time for him to go to court he made bail and came after his ex-wife lighting her on fire, she later died and afterward it was found out that the man really did not rape her.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Finite Element Analysis of structures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Finite Element Analysis of structures - Essay Example Each element contains nodes which are points were the elements are mathematically connected to one another. The idea of dividing a domain up into subdomains is the basic principle of how FEA works' FEA consists of a computer model of a material or design that is stressed and analyzed for specific results. It is used in new product design, and existing product refinement. A company is able to verify a proposed design will be able to perform to the client's specifications prior to manufacturing or construction. Modifying an existing product or structure is utilized to qualify the product or structure for a new service condition. In case of structural failure, FEA may be used to help determine the design modifications to meet the new condition. There are generally two types of analysis that are used in industry: 2-D modeling, and 3-D modeling. While 2-D modeling conserves simplicity and allows the analysis to be run on a relatively normal computer, it tends to yield less accurate results. 3-D modeling, however, produces more accurate results while sacrificing the ability to run on all but the fastest computers effectively. Within each of these modeling schemes, the programmer can insert numerous algorithms (functions) which may make the system behave linearly or non-linearly. Linear systems are far less complex and generally do not take into account plastic deformation. Non-linear systems do account for plastic deformation, and many also are capable of testing a material all the way to fracture. How Does Finite Element Analysis Work' FEA uses a complex system of points called nodes which make a grid called a mesh . This mesh is programmed to contain the material and structural properties which define how the structure will react to certain loading conditions. Nodes are assigned at a certain density throughout the material depending on the anticipated stress levels of a particular area. Regions which will receive large amounts of stress usually have a higher node density than those which experience little or no stress. Points of interest may consist of: fracture point of previously tested material, fillets, corners, complex detail, and high stress areas. The mesh acts like a spider web in that from each node, there extends a mesh element to each of the adjacent nodes. This web of vectors is what carries the material properties to the object, creating many elements. A wide range of objective functions (variables within the system) are available for minimization or maximization: Mass, volume, temperature Strain energy, stress strain Force, displacement, velocity, acceleration Synthetic (User defined) There are multiple loading conditions which may be applied to a system. Next to Figure 3, some examples are shown: Point, pressure (Figure 3), thermal, gravity, and centrifugal static loads Thermal loads from solution of heat transfer analysis Enforced displacements Heat flux and convection Point, pressure and gravity dynamic loads Each FEA program may come with an element library, or one is constructed over time. Some sample elements are: Rod elements Beam elements Plate/Shell/Composite elements Shear panel Solid elements Spring elements Mass elements Rigid elements Viscous damping elements Many FEA programs also are equipped with the capability to use multiple materials within the structure such as: Isotropic, identical throughout Orthotropic, identical at 90 degrees General anisotropic, different throughout Types of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Impact of social networking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Impact of social networking - Research Paper Example As a result, it was only selected few military officials who had access to it. Due to the security level required in military, it was initially kept as a secret. By this time, computers were not accessible to many persons, which remedied its fast expansion. In addition, very few people understood the machine language. To many people, sitting in front of a machine seemed isolation and was not welcomed. Preliminary stages The social networking gains its roots from the use of computer software referred to as Bulletin Board System, which ensured that the people had a chance to log in into the system. This program used a terminal program. By using the code, people were able to share files and information. The communication was done via telephone lines and managed by few technological conversant personnel who had passion in it. By that time, communication through telephone lines was free only for people living within town. As time passed by, people started gathering while accessing the ser vices, which slowly transformed the people’s perception of the system as antisocial. During 1970’s to early 1990’s, the system access points were fixed at specific points. Due to the technological advancement at the time, the users were allowed to share only limited type of information. The speed of the system was not that fast but good enough to meet the needs of the time. Another program that was crucial to the early development of the social communication network was CompuServe. This program was mainly used for business transactions. In the 1980,s, it expanded to be used by other persons other than businesspersons. The service allowed persons to share files and information irrespective of their location. In addition, People were able to access different discussions undertaken by other persons and participate. This was a breakthrough in technology as very few people had an idea of it becoming a reality. This brought forth the advent of emails. American online (AOL) also played a significant in the continuous improvement of social networking. It provided a platform where one could search for other persons. This feature was very outstanding which attracted more people into the social networking. Internet Boom The internet came to boom in mid-1990’s. This enabled persons to create their profiles as well as search for different persons such as schoolmates online though social networks such as Another social networking network operational at the boom of the internet was This network allowed members to create profiles as well as share different materials. Due increase their membership numbers, the members were asked to bring more persons. As time passed by, the security of the network was compromised reducing loyalty by the members that eventually led to its collapse at the start of the twenty first century. Other numerous sites such as,, and were developed in 1 990’s have thrived up to date. In the twenty first century, technological advancement helped emerging networking sites such as LinkedIn, MySpace, Friendster, and Facebook emerge and develop new strategies that have assisted them in getting very many members. These networks vary on their purpose with some integrating various aspects such as dating and normal chatting in their framework. Their graphical user interface and security levels have constantly been improving to offer safety for their customer’

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Hersey blanchard situational leadership Final paper Research

Hersey blanchard situational leadership Final - Research Paper Example Moreover, effective leadership style based on the nature of a particular situation can help an organization to provide effective solutions to the developed issues and challenges. This research paper will evaluate the value of Hersey-Blanchard’s situational leadership theory or model or theory in order to improve the performance of healthcare organizations. Healthcare industry can be considered as one of the sensitive industries in this global market place. It is important for the organizations in this particular industry to ensure the implementation of effective leadership style in order to maintain effective workplace environment. The Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership theory can be considered as important theory for the healthcare organizations. This particular theory was introduced and presented by Dr. Paul Hersey (Blanchard, 1983). It is highly important for the healthcare organizations to be prepared for different types of situations. On the other hand, it is important for the management of these healthcare organizations to develop and implement different types of situational leadership styles based on the demand of the situation (Graeff, 1983). According to this leadership theory, an effective leader should have the flexibility to change his or her leadership style and implement change management process in the organization by adopting different types of leadership styles based on the demand and nature of the situation. However, the leadership theory of hersey and Blanchard can be divided into four different styles, such as telling, selling, participating and delegating. Telling can be considered as one of the important situational leadership styles. In this leadership style the leaders used to tell the followers and sub-ordinates what exactly to do and what is the process or procedure to complete the task (Vecchio, 1987). The managers in the healthcare organization can adopt and implement

Friday, August 23, 2019

Assignment #3 335 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

#3 335 - Assignment Example I will start to conduct a thorough job search campaign through the internet and through my network of people. Three months after my graduation at around age 23, I intend to start my first job as a human resource assistant officer on probation basis. After one and a half years, I intend to advance to the position of the human resource officer and two years later to the human resource manager position. At the age of 23 years I intend to exit my parents’ household because I intend to reside in school during the school term and stay at home during the holidays. During my life at school I intend to search for my life partner. At the age of 24 years, I hope to have located my life partner and get married at this age. At the age of 26 years I will have my first child, my second child at the age of 28 years, my third child at the age of 30 years. My parents will need me to provide care for them at the age of 70 years. I will put them in the elderly home so that they get the best attention and medical treatment that they require. I and my family will be visiting them every week so that they do not feel abandoned. Looking at the two timelines, there may be conflict in balancing between taking care of my family and advancing in my career. When I intend to advance in my job is the period in which I intend to start a family. There is a high risk that I may not be able to perform my family or parental role as expected. There may also be tension between my career and my partner’s career especially if we find ourselves in a position where one person has to move because of the other person’s career in order to keep the young family intact. If I have already established my career and find my life partner, it is not certain that the two careers will be in harmony. This is because there is a high possibility that we will not be in the same career or work for the same company, therefore, changes can be expected. There is a high possibility that one of us will be

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Indentured Servants in the Chesapeake Colonies Essay Example for Free

Indentured Servants in the Chesapeake Colonies Essay The life of the indentured servant was at best hazardous and full of pitfalls. There was not one sole factor that would determine the life success or failure of this class of people, but a instead it was determined be a series of random qualities and experiences. For example, as we will see with John Harrower, men who were strong and educated had a much better chance of surviving being indentured than a man who was weak in health or had no formal education. As we will see with Elizabeth Sprigs, women were treated with little or no respect, and they were generally subjugated to a hard and grueling service. Status, education, gender, and health were key factors in how lucrative the life of the indentured servant would be, but these would only come in to effect if you made it across the sea in a grueling seven to eight week journey. Life as an indentured servant was hard, but so was life in a poverty stricken Europe. Europeans from all over the continent were starving and looking for food. Family men were looking for ways to provide for their family and to escape an oppressive government that provided little in the answers for the common man and woman. The prospect of being indentured was sold to the people as a utopia to remove themselves from their present misery and hardships. Indentured servant hood had positive attributes for both the government and the common man. For the government, an overstressed system was seeing relief as thousands of people sold themselves into labor in the new colonies. For the people, the promise of a new and better life was presented to them in exchange for a couple of years of service. However, was this labor arraignment truly beneficial to the poor emigrants who indentured themselves to the ship captains for passage to America? The question is an important one, but it is one that doesn’t need to be asked if the person never actually makes it to America. Gollich Mitttelberger noted in a letter to his father the deplorable conditions that accompanied his voyage to America. Mittelberger states, â€Å"But even with the best wind the voyage lasts 7 weeks. On board there is terrible misery, stench, fumes, horror, vomiting, many kinds of sea sickness, fever, dysentery, headaches, heat, constipation, boils, scurvy, cancer, mouth-rot, and the like which comes from the spoiled food and foul water that they are forced to consume (Document 6, page 18). † Mittelberger went on to say that he missed his poverty stricken home and wished to return. He talked about how the ships were so overcrowded, that live children were thrown overboard when their mother would die. He recanted once that, â€Å"One day a women who was about to give birth and could not give birth under the circumstances, was pushed through a port hole in the ship and was dropped to the sea, because she was far in the rear of the ship and could not be brought forward (Document 6, page 19). † The letter was ended by telling his father that the horrors of the trip did not end once they arrived in America. Those who could not pay for their passage were held to be sold. They were not allowed off the ship until they had been purchased and could be escorted by the purchaser. Mittelberger noted that the sick suffered the most because they were chosen last, after the healthy ones had been purchased. Once an indentured servant arrived and had been purchased, there life rarely improved. In a letter from Elizabeth Sprigs to her father, she begs for him to forgive her and to send her clothes. She explains that her life is hard and that she is worked hard day and night. When they complain, they are whipped. She tells her father that their diet in is restricted to Indian corn and salt. Elizabeth begs her father, â€Å"We are almost naked, neither shoes nor a stocking to wear, and what rest we get is a blanket and some ground to lie upon (Document 5, page 17). † She goes on to plead for forgiveness from her father, and for him to send her some relief. This is in contrast to the story of John Harrower. John Harrower is both educated and seems to have a variety of connections. John uses his education to acquire work as a school master for a private family. His journal entries are of a more common experience of looking for work. Harrower came in search of becoming a book keeper. His journal follows him until he is offered the position as a school master, and he is encouraged to accept it because it is with a private family. His experience is very different and could go a long way in supporting the outrageous claims of George Alsop. George Alsop, in a book published in the Americas regaled would be indentured servants with tales of how wonderful their experience would be. He stated, â€Å"Now those that commit themselves to the care of the Merchant to carry them over, they need not trouble themselves with any inquisitive search touching their voyage; for there is such honest care and provision made†¦ (Document 6, page 6). This is a drastic different statement than Mittelberger made about the horrible conditions caused by overcrowding and the consumption of rotten food and foul water. Alsop goes on to say, â€Å"The women that go over into this Province as Servants, have the best luck here as in any place of the world; for they are no sooner on shore, but they are courted into a Copulative Matrimony, for some of them†¦ (Document 6, page 7). † This again contrasts greatly with Mittelberger who wrote about the women who were being thrown overboard because they were having complications with child birth. This also contrasts with Elizabeth Sprigs who wrote about being whipped for complaining, and given nothing to eat but Indian corn and salt. Alsop was obviously using false claims to help ensure that the cheap labor would flow steadily into the American Colonies. In July of 1640, there is an account of some indentured servants that are caught trying plot their escape. The courts decided that this was dangerous grounds, the men were whipped severely, and had the letter R burned into the side of their face. They suffered other abuses before being given back to the master (Document 8, page 23). † The life of the indentured servant was hard, and did little good to better the life the people involved. The conditions in which many were forced to work in were sub-human, and they were generally treated no better than animals. While there were no doubt a select few that profited from this, on the average this labor arrangement did not benefit the poor emigrants who came over from Europe looking for a better life.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Investigation and prevention of child abuse Essay Example for Free

Investigation and prevention of child abuse Essay Child abuse is one of the most common human right violations in the human community. According to UNCEF reports, at least one child dies every day as a result of child abuse. Nevertheless, the exact number of child deaths as a result of chilled abuse is hindered by the fact that most cases of child deaths in the communities goes without investigation. Still, an estimated over 30, 000 child in America are put under protection registers annually (American Prosecution Research Institute 12). The world is approximated to have over 100 million abused children most of whom are from the developing nations. However, these are just but a few of child abuse cases which are reported. There are numerous types of child abuse practices in the society. They range from infant shaking, to child battering, to child negligence, to child sexual abuse (Perona, Bottoms, and Vieth 42). Such practices are blamed for having a negative impact on the psychological, physical, and social development of the child. The process of preventing child abuse effectively dictates for the participation of all members of the community in ensuring early identification of such problems (Perona, Bottoms, and Vieth 51). Creating awareness among children as well as other members of the community on the rights of children plays an instrumental role in mitigating child abuse in the community. Investigation of child abuse for legal charges involves numerous methods depending on the type and magnitude of the act. For instance, Physical sexual abuse on kids can either be self evident or call for medical procedures to qualify (Myers 46). The history of family relations plays a crucial role in child abuse investigation practices by law enforcement. This paper seeks to give a detailed discussion on the prevention and investigation of child abuse. Prevention of child abuse The realization of effective child abuse prevention entails the creation of awareness on the forms and how to identify child abuse as well as engaging efforts in mitigating risk factors to child abuse in the community (Perona, Bottoms, and Vieth 51). The problem of child abuse in the community is increased by lack of awareness by the public. According to available statistics for example, child sexual abuse incidences in the American society has its peak between the onset of puberty and adolescence (American Prosecution Research Institute 67). At this age, most of the victims have mental capability to identify and avoid being victims of sexual abuse. Based on this reasoning, creating adequate awareness among the child can greatly aid in mitigating child abuse practice in the community. In this pursuit, since 1983, the American nation has set April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. In addition, the government funds child-abuse prevention initiatives through its Community-Based Grants for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (CBCAP) (American Prosecution Research Institute 71). Still on awareness, society cohesion factor plays an important role in preventing child (Myers 102). Just as is the case with other forms of crime prevention practices, the local community members find much advantage in the early identification and thus controlling of child abuse in their neighborhoods. This is because; they are the ones living close to the sources of child abuse; the family unit. Therefore, encouraging communal living among members of the community is instrumental in preventing child abuse. Another common practice of preventing child abuse is enforcing zero tolerance policies on domestic violence. According to numerous research findings, it is established that families marked with couple violence have a higher prevalence of child abuse; both physically and emotionally (Myers 112). There are numerous risk factors identified for causing child abuse practices. Such include the social and economic position of the family and the local community and the effectiveness of the law enforcement and criminal justice system in addressing child abuse cases (Myers 108). It has been sufficiently claimed that poverty in the in family plays an instrumental factor in perpetuating child abuse practices such as neglect. Financial constrains in the family also serves to cause stress and depression among parent, a factor that negatively impacts on the parent-child relationship. Still, an idle mind is the devils workshop. Therefore, the sustainable prevention of child abuse dictates for resolving eminent economic problems that affecting members of the local community. Also found to influence the level of child abuse is the character and gender of the child. Statistical evidence indicates that most mentally or physically disabled children are found to be at risk of child abuse (Perona, Bottoms, and Vieth 61). The statistics also establish substantial evidence connecting gender classification as a clear cause of child abuse in the community. In particular, the girl child is prone to child abuse and neglect. In some countries, the girl child is rarely provided with equal education as the boy child. This is a denial of the children right to education. In addition, girls are common victims to forced marriages as well as prostitution. On the other hand, the boy child is commonly marked with forced labor. They are also the main victims of corporal punishment compared to girls. These are the reasons behind the enactment and enforcement of numerous laws mitigating practices such as child pornography and prostitution and child labor (American Prosecution Research Institute 61). Many nations across the globe including the United States have banned corporal punishment of children both in the schools and in the family. This serves the purpose of limiting inhuman punishments on children. It is worth noting that the United Nations initiative on providing basic education to all children has taken cause in many countries across the globe. This initiative is quite instrumental in influencing prevention of anti-girl child education practices in the nation as much of its emphasis is on the girl child. Such an initiative is supported by numerous community based non-governmental organization. The war on drug abuse in the community is an important tool in mitigating child abuse. According to numerous research findings, drug abuse like alcoholism is among the leading causes of domestic violence as well as child sexual abuse in the community (Myers 121). This claim has been evidently supported by the fact that drugs function in compromising the reasoning and judgmental ability of an individual. Such can also be explained by the fact that drugs enhance aggression and temper of the victim. In a move to mitigate this practice of drug abuse as a potential cause for child abuse, the American nation is found to spend billions of dollars on the war against drugs in the society. Investigation of child abuse The process of investigating child abuse is heavily dependent on the availability of claimed evidence of physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse. According to the available legal provisions; some forms of child abuse such as child labor neglect, and failure to provide education as well as some forms physical abuse of are self evident (Myers 132). Therefore, the investigation of such practices is mainly based on reported evidence rather than dictating for medical procedures. Also commonly involved in the investigation practices is identifying the history of a child abuse problem. According to psychological principles, human problems such as emotional stress and depression are a direct result of long term abuse in children. Based on this, the period over which such abuse on a particular child should be provided as qualifying evidence against the defendants charged with child abuse (Myers 136). As per the requirements of the law, this evidence can be self proclaimed by the victim, given by a member of the local community or from a doctor. The doctor should conduct an extensive diagnosis on the subject matter to give admissible evidence. Such might cover but not limited to the extent of physical or emotional damage impacted on the child. However, the laws protecting children against abuse prohibit against even the slightest form of action against a child that can compromise their social, emotional, academic and physical development. Conclusion Despite the numerous efforts by governments and other community-based non-governmental organizations, child abuse remains a major problem in the global community. There are various causes of child abuse in the community. Such include; domestic violence, cultural beliefs, economic status, and social practices in the community. The problem is further complicated by failure by the victims or members of the community to reports such cases to the relevant authorities for legal action against the perpetrators. Therefore, effective child abuse prevention strategies must take into account the need for creating public awareness on the problem. It should also devote much emphasis on resolving the main social and economic factors which promote child abuse. It is only through consulted cooperation among all stakeholders in the community that the war against child abuse can be successful.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Is Disturbance In The Natural Environment Environmental Sciences Essay

What Is Disturbance In The Natural Environment Environmental Sciences Essay Disturbance can involve any factor which disrupts ecosystem function by altering environmental conditions (wiki). The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH) states that in order to optimise local species diversity, ecological disturbance must occur at a moderate frequency (wiki). Disturbance can vary in severity, occur at several temporal and spatial scales and be a result of natural or anthropogenic events (www.nature). Natural disturbance (e.g. fires, floods, volcanic eruptions) often prevents populations from reaching their carrying capacity (Wiens 1984; DeAngelis Waterhouse 1987; Pickett et al. 1992 Ecol theory). Anthropogenic disturbance ,however, has a larger detrimental impact on habitat. In the past, the influence of humans on ecosystems has been limited; yet modern impacts have more recently accelerated in gravity and range (wiki). Anthropogenic disturbance can change and damage habitat, alter ecological function and increase the probability of invasive species (invasive Holzner et al. 1983; Mills et al. 1994). Invasive species can cause local species extinction as well as preventing native species from being re-established (Simberloff 1990; Vitousek 1990). Once settled, the removal of these species is often challenging, as they are less affected by competition or predation than native species (ecol theory). Anthropogenic activities can also alter natural disturbance events (e.g. flood p revention methods, control of wildfires; www.nature). The restoration of disturbance regimes may be crucial. Restoration projects should aim to instigate or accelerate recovery after a disturbance, or to re-establish natural disturbance cycles (www.nature). It is essential to determine the level of variability which is tolerated in restored systems (Duarte 1991; Li Reynolds 1994; Horne Schnieder 1995; Palmer Poff 1997; White Walker 1997) and to recognise and minimise the difference between natural and anthropogenic disturbance (wiki). Restored sites must be continually monitored and manipulated accordingly (ecol theory) so once a species has been established, the dimensions of natural disturbance regimes (size/intensity/ duration/seasonality etc) can be established (ecol theory). If this is not possible, restorationists should attempt to initiate deliberate disturbances which best replicate historical disturbances (wiki). It is also important to note that species cannot merely be reintroduced; the manner by which disturbances affect the sustainability of a restored community must also be taken into account (ecol theory). Succession Ecological succession is the progressive change in the composition and interactions of a community over time (Putnam 1994 ecol theory).   After a disturbance occurs, an ecosystem will have a fairly simple level of organisation (few dominant species)(wiki). Given time, the community will develop to be more complex (numerous interdependent species)(wiki). Restoration can occur passively or actively. Passive restoration allows succession to occur naturally, once the origin of disturbance has been eliminated (nature). Active restoration involves more human input. In mildly or moderately disturbed habitats, restorationists may try to increase the rate of natural succession. In other words, allow the community to develop in the same way as it would naturally, but assisting it to reach the final stage more quickly (ecol theory). However, in critically disturbed habitats, more concentrated efforts may be necessary and environmental conditions may need to be recreated to facilitate the processes of succession (wiki). Under these circumstances, restorationists may overlook early stages of succession in order to establish late successional species sooner (ecol theory). In some cases, underlying damage, such as soil damage, may also require restoration before the later stages of succession can begin (Whisenant 1999 ecol of rest). It has been found that succession theory is not always appropriate (Connell Slatyer 1977 ecol theory) Community patterns are often considerably unpredictable due to both disturbances and stochastic events (Fisher 1983; Levin 1989; Roughgarden 1989 ecol theory). As a result, successional theory has been deemed irrelevant in several systems (Roughgarden et al. 1987; Olafsson et al. 1994 ecol theory). Assuming it allows the prediction of community patterns, the knowledge of succession theory may be essential to restoration ecology (ecol theory). In systems with strong interactions between species and rare or highly predictable disturbances this has been found to be particularly true as community progression is principally ruled by local interactions (ecol theory). Species Interactions predation/herbivory/mutualism/competition/ Community Assembly Theory Landscape ecology The study of processes that occur across distinct landscapes and the abiotic and biotic responses to these processes is known as landscape ecology (Turner 1989 linking rest). The need for the study of landscape ecology has arisen due to anthropogenic alterations to habitats (Linking rest). Patch isolation, contiguity, size and shape (in terms of complexity) are all features which can be used to describe a landscape and these have all been found to have a large impact on both animal and plant populations (Turner Gardner 1990; Robbins Bell 1994 linking rest). According to the theory of island biogeography, populations are most likely to become extinct if a habitat is small and/or isolated from other populations. One of the assumptions of this theory states that the area between patches of habitat is both hostile and uniform. This theory assumes that the area between habitat patches (matrix) is both uniform and inhospitable. (Previous studies have suggested that the organisation of habitat types in a matrix can influence the movement of organisms and/or the role of landscapes (Gustafson Gardner 1996 linking rest).) Small and isolated habitats are also more susceptible to the detrimental effects of habitat fragmentation (nature). Habitat fragmentation occurs when a habitat becomes disconnected as a result of anthropogenic or natural events (nature). This causes the formation of small isolated patches of suitable habitat (nature). These habitats have a lower carrying capacity and have decreased species diversity and are therefore more vulnerable to inbreeding and local extinction (nature). As well as this, fragmentation increases the proportion of edge and decreases the gap between edges (nature). Edge effects may alter environmental factors, in turn affecting the flux of organisms and other substances across landscapes (Holland et al. 1991 and references within; Robinson et al. 1992). Systems are sometimes dependent on the flow of individuals between habitats. This sustains the community structure, implying that fragmentation can influence recruitment and therefore affect the resilience of commu nities (Palmer et al. 1997 linking rest). The role of restoration usually involves improving connectivity between patches by constructing or re-establishing links. This may be done with the use of corridors or stepping stones. Ecosystem Function Ecol of rest nutrient and energy fluxes are essential components of ecosystem function and stability at a range of spatial and temporal scales (Ehrenfeld Toth 1997; Aronson et al. 1998; Bedford 1999; Peterson Lipcius 2003). Ecosystem  function describes the foundational processes of natural systems, including nutrient cycles and energy fluxes. These processes are the most basic and essential components of ecosystems. An understanding of the full complexity and intricacies of these cycles is necessary to address any ecological processes that may be degraded. A functional ecosystem, that is completely self-perpetuating (i.e. no management required), is the ultimate goal of restorative efforts. Because these  ecosystem  functions are  emergent properties  of the system as a whole, monitoring and management are crucial for the long-term stability of an ecosystem.

Womens Rights :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the early 1800s the textile mills of Lowell Massachusetts were a celebrated economic and cultural attraction. Visitors always made sure to pass this place when they visited. Surprisingly most of the workers in the mills were women. The first factory recruited Yankee women from the area.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Lowell expanded becoming the nation’s largest textile manufacturing center, the experiences of women operatives changed as well. With the pressure of competition overproduction became a problem, and high profits of the early years declined. Wages were reduced and the pace of work was stepped up. The women did not accept these changes without any protest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1834 and 1836 they went on strike to protest wage cuts. Between 1843 and 1848 they had petition campaigns aimed at reducing the hours of labor in the mills. These women were very close with each other, and they all shared the same values. This made it easy for them to be so strong in their protests. Most of these women working in the Lowell mills were housed in company boarding homes. In 1836 more than seventy-three percent of females employed by the Hamilton Company lived in houses next to the mills.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They lived in close quarters which played a role in the growth of the community. These boarding houses were the center of social life for these women after their long work days. They ate together, talked with one another, read books together, and also wrote letters. The community of women operatives developed in a setting where women worked and lived together twenty four hours a day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the women went on strike in 1834 they marched to numerous mills in an effort to induce others to join them. They said they would not go back to work until their demands were met. They wanted the wages they were getting before the reduction, to be received all of them as one, and if they do not have enough money to carry them home they shall be supplied.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first strike was brief and failed. By the next week the women either went back to work or left town. The first strike was important not because is failed or succeeded but because it took place. This showed the women were starting to have a voice in the workplace even if they were not being listened to yet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1836 the women went on strike again.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Suicide :: essays research papers

Wrong and Even Scary Certain people believe that life is not valuable. Although they may not admit this as being true it is evident through their behavior. They admit it through behavior such as believing that it is acceptable to decide one others fate. To believe that it is satisfactory for one human being to decide if another human being should live or die is wrong and even scary. Doctors should not be legally able to assist terminally ill patients to commit suicide. The most precious gift that God has given human beings is the gift of life. Even with this being true people abuse this gift everyday. They abuse this gift in many ways. One way is by attempting to play the role of God. People who assist in deciding one others fate also believe that they are God. This may sound strange but it 100% true. Human beings who assist terminally ill patients to commit suicide believe that they are God. People who believe that it is justifiable for doctors to assist terminally ill patients comm it suicide believe that is acceptable for others to play the role of God. Both of these types of Lee, 2 people are equally wrong. Both of these people's beliefs are also disgusting. There is no way that any human being should be allowed to decide when another human beings time to die is. Terminally ill patients are not exactly thinking 100% correctly during their illness. Some are just not thinking at all. Being terminally ill would be a very dramatic period in anyone's life. So this being said when patient who knows that they are going to die asks another human being to aid them to commit suicide they are not thinking straight. They might believe in their own mind that this is what they want but in reality if they were thinking straight they would not want this at all. This can be proven as well. If one were to ask another when they were perfectly healthy if that they ever became terminally ill if they would like to commit suicide the answer would be no. But yet if that same person were to become terminally ill they might want the exact opposite.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Do not go gentle into that Good Night and for Eleanor Boylan talking with God :: comparison compare contrast essays

Pain and Sorrow in Thomas’ â€Å"Do not go gentle into that Good Night† and Sexton’s â€Å"for Eleanor Boylan talking with God†Ã‚   The end our road that is life, is death and the second we begin to live, we begin to die. A rendition of death and the loss of a loved one is expressed in two different lights in Dylan Thomas’ â€Å"Do not go gentle into that Good Night† and Anne Sexton’s â€Å"for Eleanor Boylan talking with God†. Both express the fear and vulnerability of losing someone you thought should live forever Thomas’ message is an imperative one a dark and tangible energy whereas Sexton’s tone is more passive and quiet and more driven by sorrow than anger. But as there is an underlying sense of sorrow in Thomas’ villanelle, there is also a sense of quiet anger. In â€Å"For Eleanor Boylan Talking With God†, Sexton expresses the pain of losing a loved one. There is a surreal quality to the poem, Sexton seems to write as she thinks with a thought inciting a memory; she communicates her feelings in a very literal concrete way but the poem is still very abstract because there is so little linking these images, adding on to the feeling that you are looking into Sexton’s very mind and heart. She talks about Eleanor, a friend who is more beautiful than her mother; this intimate compliment can be interpreted as more dear than even her mother. An aspect of Eleanor that Sexton respects is her closeness with God, there is a child-like trust depicted when the author writes about Eleanor in the kitchen â€Å"motioning to God†. Possibly because Eleanor is wearing a lemon-colored sundress, the reader imagines her with a smile and she feels the acceptance at her own death that Sexton cannot find. Eleanor has more faith than the author in God and who has maintained this faith even when she is dying. Sexton wrote that God â€Å"had a face when she was six and a half† meaning he was a tangible figure. The six-year-old Sexton had a familiarity with God, she knew what he looked like; he was her friend, as is the feeling in most children about God. But this image of god has become a huge jellyfish that covers the sky. There is no comfort in a slimy jellyfish and Sexton does not find any comfort in God.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Who is responsible for Willy s demise

He cannot accept the fact that he is no longer a successful salesman, that his sons are not successful as Charley son (Bernard), also that he has been unfaithful to the only person who ever loved him no matter what, his wife Linda. His reason to committee suicide may have been influence by the factors in his life that I just mentioned. Wily is the only one who takes actions of desperation and hopeless. It is his hubris, his inflated pride and ambition o consummate the American dream that leads him to his destructive action, his inability to remember the value of his own life.He thinks that he can't longer maintain his families future, and that he is worth more dead than alive. Pressure society also can be blamed for Wily Loan's demise, claiming to be the best of all in the salesman or business world and earning great amounts of money†¦ Wily Leman was just another man stuck with this dream but in some way the salesman or business world took a big part of his life from him. When h e became a salesman at an age around eighteen or nineteen and he dated in this business up to the point of his death, which is the same day he was finally fired by Howard from the company where he was working as a salesman.When he was fired he was at the age of sixty-three this unfortunately happened. This means that he put a greater amount of his life into the salesman world, in the pursuit for richness and respect. Approximately 45 years of his life were spent on pursuit of these things, but unfortunately his pursuit of richness and respect, never have been effective, he wasn't successful at all. Do you think that this is tragic? Of course yes!. But he needed to face the truth of his peripatetic. Perhaps these things are which led him to try committing suicide numerous times in the car by trying to crash and hoping that he dies.Wily was a very unsatisfied and mainly unhappy man, who had lost most part of his hope. How ever Biff is notice to embody everything that Wily admires: he has great personal charisma, is very popular with other boys, is a leader, demonstrates physical strength but not just as a sportsman also in his body image and demonstrates confidence. The allegations between father and son is loving, warm and full of mutual admiration. He'd invested a lot of this hope into his son Biff too, who unfortunately let him down as well.Wily had such high hopes for Biff becoming the success he himself could never achieve, however Wily failed to take into account what his son desired, which was the outdoor American dream. Another reason why Will kills himself is because would be that Biff discovered his affair with the woman, disinterment which ruined Biffs future this made Wily feel in some way painful and miserable because he made Biff to going back to summer school to graduate, also because he was unfair with the only person that actually loves him and care for him, her wife Linda.Wily Leman was a never success The American Dream guaranteed things to Wi ly that he would never have had before. However to achieve to have these things he had to spent his whole life work hard to afford them and not being rewarded for that hard work, it was a factor that led to his end. So who really is to blame for Will's hamster, and can the fault be relied on Charley, Biff, Linda and Howard the nest that through society carried the job to tear apart Will's dream, hopes and his character or personality and eventually his life.As we know that Wily makes his son embody all his negative values that here passed on by Ben to Wily, his sons will also be a failure as Wily. Not so much in the case of Biff but more in the case of Happy. This is because we can notice how Willis temperament and characteristics resembles on to Happy. Happy has the same younger example of what Wily was as when he was growing up. Maybe the reason why Wily treated Happy as he treated him was because his way was the way that Will's father treated him and paid more attention to his el der brother Ben.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Adolescents Happiness and Academic Success Essay

Adolescents’ happiness and academic success; How it is affected by Divorce Abstract The challenges faced when a family is going through divorce can have a large impact on a teenagers overall ability to succeed in every day activities such as school or extracurricular activities. This may be caused by feelings of overwhelming stress and pressure to take full responsibility of other siblings or distraught parents, therefore taking time away from school work. On page 362 in the sixth edition of Psychology themes and Variations, it shows the results of Holmes’ and Rahe’s theory of life-changing events and their connection with stress levels. On a scale of one to one-hundred, divorce rated a seventy-three. We decided to study how students at Mountain Crest are academically affected by divorced parents. We found that a slightly higher number of students with married parents participated in healthy extracurricular activities and obtained better grades than students with divorced or separated parents. But the results were not as drastic as we expected. Introduction â€Å"Life changes are any noticeable alterations in one’s living circumstances that require readjustment. † (Pg 362, sixth edition of Psychology themes and variations). There are many different events that cause change in one’s life, a common alteration being divorce. We wanted to study how the performance of high school students is affected by family situations, such as divorced or married parents. We predicted that students who come from broken families (divorced and/or remarried parents, step-siblings, ect. ) have a lower level of peace and a higher level of contention in their home. We hypothesized that this would affect their scholastic accomplishments and they will have lower grade point averages and less involvement in healthy extracurricular activities such as school sports and clubs. Method We conducted our survey at Mountain Crest High School in Hyrum, Utah in April of 2008. First, we asked people if they would take a survey for us. In larger groups such as full classes, we asked for the teacher’s permission to conduct a survey in their class. We took our surveys in general/required classes such as computer technology and history creating a widespread mix of students. Before passing out the survey’s we instructed the sample to hold the survey in the air when they were completed, and ensured them that no one would know what they had marked. This was to attempt to eliminate distortions in self-report caused by peer pressure. When the sample group agreed to take our survey we passed them to the volunteers. When each person was finished with their survey we went around personally and collected their survey. We surveyed a total of sixty students, ranging in ages 15-18. We selected random classes with a variety of students of different races and gender. After collecting the surveys, we divided them according to their parents’ marital status. We then tallied the results of the students’ grades and involvement in extracurricular activities in each pile. Results ResultsExtracurricular activitiesGrade Point Average YesNo3. 0 or higher2. 9 or lower Married 28173213 Divorced/separated7887 †¢We found that 62. 2% of adolescents with married parents were involved in healthy extracurricular activities, while 53. 3% of students with divorced or separated parents were not. †¢71. 1% of students with married parents maintain a grade point average of 3. 0 or above. 46. 6% of students with divorced or separated parents obtained a lesser GPA of 2. 9 or lower. Discussion Our data didn’t turn out to be as drastically contrasting as we expected, in fact some of our statistics argued against our hypothesis. This has a lot to do with the place that the experiment was performed. Because we are in Utah, we experienced a large sample bias considering Utah (especially Cache Valley) is a highly religious community. If we conducted the same experiment at a different high school or somewhere outside of Utah, our results would be dissimilar. This being because Mountain Crest is a predominantly high achieving school in the area of academics, and also because most students at MC come from LDS families with strong belief in family unity. This resulted in a low number of students from broken families to survey, and a high number of students from functional families to survey. If we were to do this experiment again, we would survey an even number of students with divorced parents and students with married parents, so our results would be more accurate. We might also consider surveying students from other schools to get a broader variety of students. We believe that the reason kids from broken families aren’t as successful in academic activities is because they don’t have the same amount of support from home that other students with happily married parents have. We assume that the students may have more stress from heightened contention at home. Students coming from functional families are more capable of maintaining a higher GPA because of higher support levels from family members. They also have less stress because they don’t have the worry of dealing with issue of balancing separated parents and siblings.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Green IT at City University †City Green Monitor

Abstract One of the main initiatives which have been employed by the City University within the Information Technology (IT) department is that of the Green Monitor, where a computing room has been set up by a group of students aimed at recording data from an environmental perspective (Green Dragons, 2014). This initiative is both effective now and in the long run, with wider possible uses in the future. This initiative is currently in its infancy, with the wider use under analysis here, as to how it can foster Green IT, going forward. The aim of this research is to develop this resource further and to create both policies and technology that will allow the IT department to support the Green Initiative across the City University, as well as across other institutions. Introduction The first issue which needs to be determined in this proposal is what precisely is meant by Green IT and what the impact of Green IT initiatives can be on an organisation or wider groups of organisations. In accordance with the guide produced by the Chartered Institute for IT, BCS (O,Neill, 2010) states that: â€Å"Green IT is a collection of strategic and tactical initiatives that directly reduces the carbon footprint of an organisation’s computing operation†¦ However, Green IT is not just focused on reducing the impact of the ICT industry. It is also focused on using the services of ICT to help reduce the organisation’s overall carbon footprint† This basic definition presents some interesting points of discussion, before going on to look at the precise nature of the work being undertaken here. Firstly, the issue of Green IT is thought to be linked to the workings of organisations and not to individuals themselves. This raises an important question from the outset: focussing on an organisation may be a false approach due to the fact that so many devices are now used by individuals and not as part of an organisation at all. Secondly, there is the notion that strategic and tactical initiatives may refer to a different approach to the strategies that may be seen as relevant for Green organisations, such as Greenpeace, thus creating a disparity in the overall objectives to be pursued. Finally, it is also noted in this definition that IT itself can be seen as a positive step towards environmental management, with factors such as the ability to work from home reducing travel emissions. This potential benefit of IT is not to be igno red and should be considered alongside the environmental costs. Moreover, O’Neill then goes on to argue that it is also necessary to look at the whole process of IT, including the manufacturing, transportation and disposal, not simply at the emissions and consumption when the item is operative. For the purposes of this research and in looking at the areas of Green IT projects within the City University, it is important to consider how the success or otherwise of the initiative may be judged. Bearing in mind the aforementioned discrepancy between strategy and tactical initiatives that may be pursued by the Chartered Institute of IT and the approach taken by environmental groups there is an immediate difficulty in producing a coherent plan for providing Green IT. In accordance with the BCS and the work by O’Neill, Green IT should be focussing on some key areas. Firstly, he argues that the area of Green IT should look at changing the ethos and culture within an organisation, so as to make sure that the corporate agenda of a company or organisation is reflective of the Green IT aim. As part of this, there should be initiatives in place to ensure that teams and individuals are able to enact Green IT initiatives that are established by the wider group. In addition, Green IT practices should be built into the wider organisational goals and processes, so that the infrastructure is purchased with Green IT in mind. By contrast, Greenpeace looks at Green IT as a means of pulling together energy efficiency and renewable energy, which is a somewhat different approach from that taken by the organisational strategy. In reality, and for the purposes of this analysis, a combined definition is to be pursued, with the suggested definition of Green IT being a set of realistic and practical measures which can ensure that IT is developed in such a way that is sustainable, energy efficient and friendly to the environment. It is this definition that will be considered for the purposes of the project being undertaken here. 1.1The Project at City University Monitoring devices created as part of this initiative are used in order to calculate the CO? emissions within the room itself. Using this information, energy consumption can then be ascertained. The aim of this initiative is to ensure that the students and staff across the University understand the impact that each computing hour has on the environment. This is, therefore, an initiative aimed at improving the environmental position in relation to the IT function and understanding how simple actions such as shutting down the PC at the end of the day or turning down the brightness on a monitor can have an impact on the CO? emissions (Curry et al., 2012). Bearing in mind the previous analysis of what precisely is meant by Green IT, it can be seen that the initiative as it currently stands within the City University deals with a minimal area of Green IT initiatives and requirements. The broader Green IT initiate needs to consider more than just the monitoring of the CO? emissions of the IT department. That said, this starting point provides the information that is necessary in order to be able to further the initiative into a working and sustainable policy, in the future. This initiative is an information gathering initiative which allows the University and then wider organisations to monitor the impact of their behaviours, in such a way that may influence behaviours, in the future. This paper will look at the strategy and concepts associated with power management in Green IT, before then going on to consider the likely behaviours and changes that are going to ensue, as a result of this Green IT initiative and then to draw conclusions on the impact of the initiative as the final section of the report. Power Management Concept within Green IT The notion of Green IT was established substantially by Murugesan, in 2008, stating that Green IT involves a wide range of activities, including designing, using and manufacturing not only the use of the computers, but also any systems associated with the renewal or purchase of such items, so that there is a minimal impact on the environment (Murugesan, 2008). Taking this on board alongside the earlier recognised area of Green IT, it can be argued that the issue of power management is a part of the overall objective which needs to be dealt with fully, before other aspects can be achieved. Without the knowledge that this type of monitoring produces, a wider IT strategy will equally not be possible. For example, if the research indicates that a certain type of screen is substantially better for the environment, then the next stage could be to roll out the provision of these screens across all departments within the University. There is a suggested indication from this perspective, that a monitoring initiative such as the one under discussion here is a suitable area for Green IT and arguably the crucial first step, as it is impossible to put in place improvements without understanding the changes and impacts, in the first place. A key strategy within this area of Green IT is to put in place approaches and processes that offer greater sustainability. For example, in this case, the use of remote monitors within the IT department could then be rolled out to usage in any other department which uses IT, or any other item that could be used more effectively to improve sustainability. Information is the lifeblood of any future initiatives that can be established. It is further noted that, in any modern IT system, there is a mixture of technology, people, hardware and networks. Therefore, any area of Green IT needs to consider all of these factors; for example, user behaviours and the broader impact on networks and hardware also need to be brought into the equation. Consider, for instance, the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) which is a standard used across the entire industry to allow the operation systems to change and control the way in which the power-saving aspects operate, so that the system to a certain extent manages itself (Therien, 2011). This can be done in an entirely automated way, or can allow users to set tolerated levels, for example, how long until a monitor goes onto â€Å"energy saver†. These strategies and approaches are critical to the monitoring area, as this is ultimately the aim of monitoring, so that changes can be put in place to improve overall sustainability.Possible Uses and Recommendations Having put in place monitoring through remote sensors, the IT department is now able to provide information to the next stage of the network, in order to develop mechanisms that will allow the IT itself to manage and improve the environmental impact that computers have. For example, it is shown that CRT monitors use more power than slimmer LCD monitors and having an understanding of a link such as this allows the University (and other organisations) to make decisions at the purchasing stage that will impact on what happens in the longer run. Similarly, it is noted that LCD monitors will use a cold cathode fluorescent bulb as a general source of light, with some of the newer displays using different technologies, such as LEDs, to ensure that less electricity is used (Infoworld, 2009). Fundamentally, the aim of monitoring in this way is to ensure that there is a greater understanding obtained of the usage of electricity by simple activities, so that this can then be used firstly to influence user behaviours and secondly can then be used to develop technologies which will create automatic controls within the technology items themselves. The first element of this research policy is to understand what information has been gathered, before then formulating it in such a way that can produce clear policy guidelines for the University to then import into the wider policies and strategies which it is required to undertake, over a longer period of time. Continuous data gathering and monitoring then allows for the company or organisation to establish and improve its policies, as and when required, and as part of continuous improvement. Conclusion In conclusion, this report indicates that one relatively simple initiative of monitoring the electricity usage within an Information Systems laboratory can lead to information which is then vitally important across a wide range of departments. For example, understanding that a change in the technology of a monitor can reduce electricity usage and improve sustainability will then allow companies and organisations to change their choice of monitors, over a period of time, and to train users to amend their use of the monitors by reducing brightness, all of which will come together to improve Green IT across the campus. Future research in this area could then look at using the information gathered as a means of then developing a policy for the future BASED on the information rather than simply having the gathering of information as an agenda in its own right. References Curry, E., Guyon, B., Sheridan, C. and Donnellan, B. (2012) â€Å"Developing a Sustainable IT Capability: Lessons From Intel’s Journey†. MIS Quarterly Executive. 11(2). pp. 61–74. Green Dragons (2014) City Green Monitor, Available at: [Accessed 01/12/2014]. InfoWorld (2009) Green IT. Available at: Murugesan, S. (2008) â€Å"Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices,† IEEE IT Professional, January–February, pp 24-33. O’Neill, M. (2010) Green IT For Sustainable Business Practice, The Chartered Institute for IT. Therien, G (2011) â€Å"ACPI 2.0 Specification Technical Review, Intel Developer Forum† (ppt). Intel Corporation. Green IT at City University – City Green Monitor Abstract One of the main initiatives that have been employed by the City University within the Information Technology (IT) department is that of the Green Monitor where a computing room has been set up by a group of students aimed at recording data from an environmental perspective (Green Dragons, 2014). This initiative is both effective now and in the long run with wider possible uses in the future. This initiative is currently in its infancy with the wider use under analysis here as to how it can foster green IT going forward. Introduction Monitoring devices created as part of this initiative are used in order to calculate the CO2 emissions within the room itself, and then, using this information, energy consumption can then be ascertained. The aim of this initiative is to ensure that the students and staff across the University understand the impact that each computing hour has on the environment. This is therefore an initiative aimed at improving the environmental position in relation to the IT function and understanding how simple actions such as shutting down the PC at the end of the day or turning down the brightness on a monitor can have an impact on the CO2 emission (Curry et al 2012). This initiative is an information gathering initiative that allows the University and then wider organisations to monitor the impact of their behaviours in such a way that may influence behaviours in the future. This paper will look at the strategy and concepts associated with power management in green IT before then going on to look at the likely behaviours and changes that are going to ensue as a result of this green IT initiative and then to draw conclusions on the impact of the initiative as the final section of the report. Power Management Concept within Green IT The notion of Green IT was established substantially by Murugesan in 2008 stating that Green IT involves a wide range of activities including designing, using and manufacturing not only the use of the computers but also any systems associated with the renewal or purchase of such items so that there is a minimal impact on the environment (Murugesan 2008). There is a suggested indication from this notion therefore that a monitoring initiative such as the one in discussion here is a suitable area of Green IT and arguably the crucial first step as it is impossible to put in place improvements without understanding the changes and impacts in the first place. A key strategy within this area of Green IT is to put in place approaches and processes that offer greater sustainability.. For example in this case the use of remote monitors within the IT department could then be rolled out to usage in any other department that uses IT or any other item that could be used more effectively to improve sustainability. It is further noted that in a modern IT system there is a mixture of technology, people, hardware and networks. Therefore any area of Green IT needs to consider all of these factors, for example user behaviours the broader impact on networks and hardware need to also be considered. Consider for example the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) which is a standard used across the entire industry to allow the operation systems to change and control the way in which the power-saving aspects operate, so that the system to a certain extent manages itself (Therien, 2011). This can be done in an entirely automated way or can allow users to set tolerated levels for example how long until a monitor goes onto ‘energy saver’. These strategies and approaches are critical to the monitoring area as this is ultimately the aim of monitoring so that changes can be put in place to improve overall sustainability. Possible Uses and Recommendations Having put in place monitoring through remote sensors the IT department is now able to provide information to the next stage of the network to develop mechanisms that will allow the IT itself to manage and improve the environmental impact that computers have. For example it is shown that CRT monitors use more power than slimmer LCD monitors and having an understanding of links such as this allows the University (and other organisations) to make decisions at the purchasing stage that will impact on what happens in the longer run. Similarly it is noted that LCD monitors will use a cold cathode fluorescent bulb as a general source of light with some of the newer displays using different technologies such as LEDs to ensure that less electricity is used (Infoworld 2009). Fundamentally the aim of monitoring in this way is to ensure that there is a greater understanding obtained of the usage of electricity by simple activities so that this can then be used to firstly influence user behaviours and secondly can then be used to develop technologies that will create automatic controls within the technology items itself. Conclusion In summary this report indicates that one relatively simple initiative of monitoring the electricity usage within an Information Systems laboratory can lead to information which is then vitally important across a wide range of departments. For example understanding that a change in the technology of a monitor can reduce electricity usage and improve sustainability will then allow companies and organisations to change their choice of monitor over a period of time and to train users to amend their use of the monitors by reducing brightness, all of which will come together to improve Green IT across the campus. References Curry, E., Guyon, B, Sheridan, C and Donnellan, B (2012) â€Å"Developing a Sustainable IT Capability: Lessons From Intel’s Journey,† MIS Quarterly Executive, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 61–74. Green Dragons (2014) City Green Monitor, Available at: InfoWorld (2009) Green IT. Available at: Murugesan, S (2008) â€Å"Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices,† IEEE IT Professional, January–February, pp 24-33 Therien, G (2011) â€Å"ACPI 2.0 Specification Technical Review, Intel Developer Forum† (ppt). Intel Corporation.

Computerized Information System Essay

In Discovering Computers 2007 a Gateway to Information, a computer based information system is described as the â€Å"collection of hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that work together to produce quality information†. These information systems provide opportunities to improve student learning by providing alternate ways for learners to use technology in learning environments (Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat, Discovering Computers 2007), and they enhance management capabilities of teachers as well as school administrators. For example, in many schools today student management systems are being implemented which allow parents to view their child’s report card online, to observe classroom behavior over streaming videos and to go online to access their child’s lesson plan and or their homework assignments. These exciting and modern applications of computer based information systems not only gain popularity in the schools but in the home environment as well. Computer based information system has implications for student learning, classroom teaching, school administration as well as parental involvement. Information Systems for Student Access  Use of computer based information systems gives students access to information through the Internet, as well as by different methods of communication. A good example of an internet communication system is a distant learning class. This method of learning, allows students, especially the working class to take a class online, over the internet, instead of sitting in an actual classroom. This type of learning, provides a fun and innovative process for providing instruction over the World Wide Web and it gives people who work a more relaxed atmosphere where they can work at their own pace, at their home. Learning improves with the use of technology (Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat, Discovering Computers 2007). The learning environment does not stay in the classroom but opens up to the world. New ideas and new techniques can be used to make old curriculum seem new in the eyes of a student. Information Systems for Student Learning[edit] Although Information Systems can improve student learning, their use can sometimes lead to information overload. Sometimes we use so many sources of technology and switch from program to program that we don’t allow the students a chance to develop a level of confidence in using various tools. For example: In Mr. Watkins’ 9th grade class computer based information systems are in constant use. Mr. Watkins’ has students use Windows Movie Maker to demonstrate their knowledge of social studies concepts. In this information system, Mr. Watkins communicates to students by publishing assignments in their online folders. Students then use the software to develop their movies. Students also integrate other applications such as spreadsheets. Student movies are then published to a school portfolio for later showcase in the school social studies fair. Even though the students are being exposed to a variety of information, they may not have enough time or skill to develop the information. (figure 1). File:Teacher with computers. jpeg Mr. Watkins shows his class how to create a portfolio. Figure 1 Mr. Watkins, 9th grade teacher, St. Louis MO says, â€Å"Some students won’t have a problem using the various programs to develop their project, but other students might not have the skill or the comfort level to make a quality product†. (Mr. Watkins, 9th grade teacher, St.  Louis MO, (personal communication, January 20, 2009) Information Systems for Classroom Teaching[edit] In classroom teaching students use computers and software to assist with learning. A computer information system, will enhance classroom learning, by allowing the teachers to find more creative ways to teach, such as using electronic worksheets, in which students use the computer to research information and answer questions about their lesson. Scores can be recorded immediately and teachers can follow up with misunderstandings at the same time. In some situations teachers encourage students to computer based applications such as online tutorials because they focus on a particular skill. Information Systems for Teacher Productivity[edit] One advantage to using a computer information system is that it can automate tasks for teachers and administrators allowing them to spend time on other important tasks (such as writing lesson plans, grading papers, completing reports, etc. ) Another advantage of using a CIS is that it can help you to save data that is collected and then store it in one centralized place. This will allow anyone (administrators as well as state monitors) to view the data. For example: Ms. Harris, a 2nd grade teacher from Columbia, SC reports that: At our school we take surveys from our advisory board members, from the students, teachers and administrators. This data can be saved and at a later date be viewed or used in a comparison with other past or future data. The data can also be processed in to information that can be printed in a report. Similar to this, CIS allows students grades to be posted where parents can view their grades. This helps teachers to keep students accountable and parents informed. A disadvantage though to using a computer information system for this purpose is that it may cause frustration for educators that are not computer literate when new software is purchased and there is little or no time given to learn the software. This leads to misuse of the software or no use of it at all. Overall, computers are a good tool for the classroom that teachers and students can use them to make the learning endless. (figure 2). File:Femaleteacher. jpeg Ms. Harris talks to her students about information systems. Figure 2 Computers are a good tool for use in the classroom for teachers and students and they make learning endless. (Ms. Harris, 2nd grade teacher, Columbia, SC (personal communication, January 28, 2009) Information Systems for Administration[edit] Educational administrations or schools, use computer information systems because they prove to be useful tools in learning environments. In addition, they are fast, reliable, can store a large amount of data, are able to connect to other computers on a networking system, therefore able to share information, allow the students and teachers access to the Internet, etc.  CIS’s are resourceful and have become a great learning tool in educational settings. The use of technology is absolutely beneficial to learning process. One major problem with computer information systems is that sometimes technology is relied upon too much. Teachers and students almost forget that there were other ways to add math problems, to create hands on science projects, to play a musical instrument by hand and so on. It can make a person lazy and dependent on computers. Also, other problems consist of â€Å"broken† or misused technology that may result in needing some repair. Some teachers use a lot of technology in their classroom and their educational administrations rely on them as well. It is important that teachers and students are trained on the proper way to use the computers and students when using the computers, should be supervised. As far as equipment is concerned, there are times when the systems or networks are down and computers either run slower or problems may cause the system to shut down and you may lose unsaved work. That’s why it is always important to back up your hard drive, to have extra storage space and to have a warranty on your equipment.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Channeling My Energy

At nine years old, I wouldn’t walk into supermarkets; I would fly. I would grip the cool metal handles of the towering shopping carts with my childishly hot hands and push off with one foot, propelling myself into infinity. The only thing that could bring me back to earth were my mother’s disapproving looks and barely successful attempts to make me â€Å"Slow down!† or â€Å"Come back here† since I might â€Å"plow into someone.† At school, the poster-plastered walls seemed to close in after long days, edging closer and closer until I felt energy-induced claustrophobia creeping up my spine. The blue and green and yellow of the carpet and walls and finger paintings tumbled and blurred as I turned myself upside down and shifted my weight onto my surprisingly steady palms. â€Å"No handstands in the classroom!† my teacher would admonish, kneeling beside me and gently lowering me to the floor, afraid my precarious center of gravity would soon destabilize. â€Å"You have to learn to stay seated.† To little me, this seemed just too much to ask; sitting down for such long periods seemed a feat only someone as grown up as she could accomplish. It wasn’t long before my teachers started making other comments. Soon it wasn’t just â€Å"You need to learn to stay seated,† but things like â€Å"Paige is slightly immature and behind the other children socially† and â€Å"Maybe you should consider keeping Paige back a grade so she has time to mature and settle down.† My mother knew she had to do something. Suddenly I was sitting in an over-air-conditioned room with a smiling lady who showed me flashcards of dogs and fire trucks and houses, and prompted me to repeat as many as I could remember. She gave me different samples of sounds, testing how long I could remain focused on the voice crackling through the recorder. I was too young to know that she was testing my attention span and mannerisms for ADHD. After I was positively diagnosed, my mother enrolled me in gymnastics to address my overabundant energy. I was mesmerized by the many ways I could contort my body and the countless flips I could execute in midair. The possibility of moving into the advanced group with the older girls motivated me to spend my boundless energy tumbling and balancing in the gym, instead of sprinting and rolling in the supermarket. I soon realized that this solution could be applied to other areas of my life – even those that weren’t physical. After all, I didn’t merely have an excess of physical energy, but mental energy as well. The world seemed to me an incredibly complicated tapestry, and I wanted to unravel its mysteries thread by thread. When I was 10 years old, my brother introduced me to the wonderful world of the fiction novel. From that day on, I was hooked. Stories of vampires and werewolves and witches and warlocks from other worlds swirled in my mind; I constantly had my head in a book. To this day, I continue burning my mental energy on novels, although my tastes have transitioned from teen fiction to classics like Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula. But merely reading words on a page wasn’t enough. Somewhere inside me, I had created my own worlds, unbeknownst to my conscious mind. The day that my hand picked up a pen and put it to paper remains blurry in my memory; it is almost as though it happened of its own volition. I soon became addicted to the beauty of the English language, to the way hard consonants could be combined to elicit a sense of urgency and anger in a reader, and the way liquid consonants could be melded to coax out a sense of calm and happiness. High school came speeding toward me like a freight train, and instead of fully embracing the four years to come, I felt my excess energy – whether it be physical, creative, or inquisitive – made me different from everyone else. I was that teenager who pored over classic literature and wrote poetry for fun. The summer of eleventh grade, fate brought me to the moment when I discovered I was not alone in these pursuits. It was the first hot summer night of the Iowa Young Writer’s Workshop, and listening and observing the other teens around me, I felt the sense that I’d arrived at my intellectual home. Here were peers whose minds were always buzzing and whose hearts were always open. They were propelled by the same abounding energy that I was. They too understood the law of physics stating that energy could neither be created nor destroyed, only changed. And they, like me, had chosen to channel it into something positive.